Nirvana Supreme CBD Durban Cannabis Strain Seeds
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Supreme CBD Durban Female Nirvana Ganja Seeds

Supreme CBD Durban by Nirvana Seeds Is a cross of Original South African Sativa. This 70% Sativa has a Flowering Time of 8-10 Weeks. Expect yields m2 of 400-500 grams, an Indoor Height of 125-175cm, THC of 7-9% and CBD at 7-9%

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About Supreme CBD Durban

Breeder:  Nirvana

Genetics: Original South African Sativa

Lineage: 70% Sativa

Flowering Time: 8-10 Weeks

Height: 125-175cm approximately

Yields per m2: 400-500g

THC Content: 7-9%

CBD Content: 7-9%

Pack Options: Feminized Marijuana Seeds

Seed Type: High CBD Cannabis Seeds

Nirvana Supreme CBD Durban Cannabis Strain

Nirvana Supreme CBD Durban is a High CBD Feminized Cannabis Strain that is available in Feminized packs

Supreme CBD Durban is a colourful cannabis strain that is filled with mostly light colours and hints of purple, blue, greens and browns. The buds are Earthy with a scent of pine needles and sweet citrus with a pungent and spicy taste and hints of liquorice flavour. The new CBD version Buds finish with a balance of around 8% THC and CBD content depending on experience.

Nirvana Supreme CBD Durban was originally a pure Sativa but with the introduction of the CBD genetics this has been reduced to around 70%, which traditionally would give you a nice clear high and uplifting experience. This version of Nirvana Supreme CBD Durban is very high in CBD so it would work slightly different to traditional sativa. The effect will be very relaxing and thought inspiring but on a much milder scale that the hardened smoker would see very little if any effect from. Supreme CBD Durban was created to be a medicinal variety and not to get the user mind bending high. Any THC in Supreme CBD Durban will be counter balanced by the super high level of CBD that in most ways cancels the effect of THC. People are turning to high CBC strains more and more to find natural alternative solutions for issues they have. One thing it is very good for stress, it can be very calming on the wild thoughts that sometimes are hard to control. Supreme CBD Durban could have other benefits, but we cannot discuss specific medicinal disorders it may be possible to treat.

Supreme CBD Durban can be a wonderful strain that will bring joy to the person who uses it. Supreme CBD Durban could have a calming effect on over active minds and promotes focus. Nice Sativa dominant strains are awesome for thought inspiring and most effective with creativity. This one with its high CBD can be good for sleeping also whereas you would want to avoid a Sativa before bed normally. Some people who are experimenting with illegal substances are turning to CBD rich cannabis strains in order to find balance. Sometimes it can be impossible to sleep with wild thoughts racing through ones mind, but Supreme CBD Durban can put yin and yang back into balance.

Supreme CBD Durban is a mostly Sativa from the area of Malawi, South Africa. Traditionally this plant grows very tall and even indoors it can finish up to 175cm depending on technique. It is possible to control the height a little with topping and getting the timing right before flowering so they dont stretch too much, but they will unlikely finish shorter than 140cm. Buds will develop very loose with lots of space for air circulation around the bud. The colour will be awesome and if you feel like something different and a little challenge this will be an interesting project. Connoisseurs will have awesome results. Bottom trimming is not as important as with other strains as a lot of light passes to the lower branches due to the wide spanning, thin dark leaves.

Buy Original Nirvana Supreme CBD Durban Marijuana Seeds

At Cannabis Seeds Outlet UK we only stock genuine original Marijuana Strains by Nirvana Supreme CBD Durban Weed seeds. We store all our seeds in a commercial fridge at optimal temperatures to preserve quality.

Data sheet
Data sheet
Indica or Sativa %
60-80% Mostly Sativa
80-100% Pure Sativa
Flowering Time
8-10 Weeks 56-69 Days
Contains Genetics
CBD Genetic
CBD Genetics
Durban Poison
Estimated Yield
400-500g (Medium)
500-600g (High)
THC Content
5-10% Low
CBD Content
5-10% Medium
Dispensary Value Per oz
£100-150 Low
£200-250 High
Nirvana Seeds (About us info)

Nirvana's history can be traced way back to the end of the 1980s. At the time, Nirvana's founder Mau was working at Positronics, the legendary Amsterdam grow shop. It was here that he attained the knowledge and inspiration to start his own cannabis seed business.

He spent years travelling, seeking and collecting marijuana seeds from the finest strains available. More years went into experimenting, growing, cross-breeding and developing new cannabis strains, from which the very best were selected for his range of first-rate hybrids.

After applying and expanding his knowledge in a number of Amsterdam's well-known grow shops, the time had come to offer the world the expertise he had gained and the excellent products he had developed.

In 1995 Nirvana was officially founded by Mau. From its origins as a cannabis seed specialist, Nirvana has grown into an innovative business concept. Its unique and original range of carefully crafted hemp products serves to expand the usage of this extraordinary plant further than ever before. While continually improving and extending its range of first-rate cannabis seeds.

Buy Nirvana Seeds

Fresh Cannabis Seeds Guarantee

At Cannabis Seeds Outlet UK we handle and store all our products professionally. We are certain that all our marijuana seeds are 95% viable and of the highest premium quality. We have a very competitive policy for dealing with faulty products issues (subject to our own discretion if the policy is abused).

Fresh Seeds Guarantee Terms & Conditions

Product Info Disclaimer

Medicinal Information in our descriptions should be disregarded as it is based on assumptions rather than actual credible medical research. We cannot verify or backup any medical claims that may have been made as no scientific testing has been carried out and actual results may vary significantly.

Any information relating to growing or germination is for research purposes only and we do not condone or promote illegal use of our products. Laws around the world vary so it is the sole responsibility of our customer to check their own local laws before purchasing seeds as we cannot be held liable.

Read a more detailed disclaimer here

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